- April 3rd, 2014

News for Immediate Release
April 3, 2014
PennDOT Announces 2014 Allegheny County Highway and Bridge Improvement Projects
Pittsburgh, PA – PennDOT is pleased to announce the 2014 Allegheny County transportation improvement project list including $81.2 million in Act 89 funding for state-owned roads and bridges.
District 11 will invest an estimated $238 million on 86 projects to improve, preserve or rehabilitate transportation infrastructure including 44 bridges (14 structurally deficient) in Allegheny County in 2014. In addition, 138 miles of roadway will be paved or resurfaced and more than $21.2 million will be invested in tunnel maintenance and improvements. Construction bids will be opened for 43 new projects this year valued at an estimated $218 million.
“After a harsh winter, we are pleased to deliver much needed highway and bridge repairs,” said District Executive Dan Cessna. “We look forward to completing key infrastructure upgrades.”
Here’s a preview of the major improvements scheduled for 2014 in Allegheny County:
Projects continuing from 2013
Route 28 East Ohio Street Improvements
The fifth and final phase of the Route 28 East Ohio Street improvement projects started in late 2013. The $15.4 million project includes reconstructing and widening Route 28, ramp work, utility relocation, retaining walls, drainage and signing, lighting and sidewalk improvements. A single lane closure on northbound Route 28 between East Ohio Street and the 31stStreet Bridge will continue through the end of the project which will be completed in November of 2014.
Route 51 West Carson Street Viaduct Project
This $38.99 million project includes the full replacement of the West Carson Street (Route 51) viaduct north of the Corliss Tunnel in the City of Pittsburgh. The 335-foot long structurally deficient structure will be replaced. The project also includes wall and sidewalk rehabilitation, roadway reconstruction, drainage upgrades, signal improvements and extensive utility relocations. Southbound (inbound) traffic will be maintained with northbound (outbound) traffic detoured using Route 65. Work will conclude in the spring of 2016.
Lincoln Way
This $6.9 million congestion improvement project includes widening to add turning lanes, intersection realignment, milling and resurfacing, drainage and signal upgrades on about 1.69 miles of Route 2031 through the business district in White Oak Borough. Lane closures and detours will occur. Work will continue through May of 2015.
Route 8 Heths Run Bridge
Work started in November of 2013 to replace this bridge on Route 8 near the Pittsburgh Zoo and Highland Park Bridge (Route 1005) in the City of Pittsburgh. The $14.9 million project will continue through late 2014. Traffic will be maintained using a temporary roadway. Additional improvements include roadway reconstruction on Butler Street, improvements on One Wild Place, drainage and sidewalk and signal upgrades.
Route 51/88
The $18.99 million Route 51/88 Bridge and Safety Improvement Project includes the replacement of five bridges, construction of a new bridge, turning lane construction, roadway reconstruction, signal upgrades, lighting, sidewalk and drainage improvements, CCTV cameras and stream bank restoration. Currently, utility relocation, demolition and jug handle work are underway. Four lanes of traffic on Route 51 will be maintained during peak travel times during the project. Lane closures, detours and full closures will occur on other roadways. Overall work will conclude in late fall of 2015.
Parkway East (Interstate 376) Squirrel Hill Tunnel Rehabilitation
Work on a major $49.4 million project to rehabilitate the Squirrel Hill Tunnel started in 2012 and will continue through August of this year. Single direction weekend closures will occur this spring/summer. Lane closures through the tunnel in both directions occur on weeknights. The project includes updating the electrical, lighting, control, and ventilation systems, structural repairs to the walls and arched ceiling, installation of a water line and other improvements.
Route 1013 Saxonburg Boulevard Bridge
This $1.3 million project to replace the Saxonburg Bridge in Indiana Township began in July of 2013. The project includes the removal and replacement of the existing bridge over Deer Creek with a new structure including approaches, guide rail and fencing. The bridge will re-open to traffic in July of 2014.
Hulton Bridge
Work began in 2013 on a $64.8 million project to replace the Hulton Bridge, which carries Route 2082 over the Allegheny River between Freeport Road (Route 1001) in Harmar Township and Allegheny River Boulevard (Route 2073) in Oakmont Borough. Traffic will be maintained on the existing bridge while the new structure is constructed slightly upstream. The new bridge will carry four lanes of traffic and includes intersection improvements to reduce congestion on Freeport Road (Route 1001). Overall work will conclude in late 2015.
Liberty Tunnel Phase IV
Work started in early April, 2013 on the $18.8 million fourth phase of work to improve the Liberty Tunnel (Route 3069) in the City of Pittsburgh. The project includes repair of structural concrete, updating and repair of electrical, lighting and safety systems, refurbishing of the portal buildings and other improvements. Overall work will conclude this summer as crews complete tunnel painting.
Projects starting construction in 2014
Route 19 Perry Highway
This estimated $7-8 million project to mill and resurface approximately four miles of Route 19 (Perry Highway) from Glenview Drive in Ross Township to Longview Drive in McCandless Township was made possible through Act 89 funding. Additional work includes signal upgrades, drainage improvements, guiderail installation, ADA curb cut ramps and wall repairs. Work will begin in July and continue into the summer of 2015.
Route 50
Estimated at $15-16 million, the Route 50 roadway reconstruction project from Washington County to Millers Run Road in South Fayette Township is anticipated to begin in July. Other work includes guiderail and barrier updates, drainage, traffic signal upgrades and signing and pavement markings. Single lane traffic in each direction will be maintained. The project will end in November of 2015.
Route 51 Clairton Boulevard
Set to begin this summer and conclude in early 2015, this estimated $6-7 million project includes milling and resurfacing, signal improvements, drainage and guiderail upgrades, signing and pavement marking updates and structure repairs on about 4.3 miles of Route 51 from the Elizabeth Bridge in West Elizabeth Borough to Coal Valley Road in Jefferson Hills Borough. Work will occur overnights and weekends with one lane of traffic maintained in each direction.
Route 60 Steubenville Pike
This $9 million improvement project to improve Route 60 (Steubenville Pike) and Route 22/30 began in March. The project includes milling and resurfacing on Route 60 and Route 22/30, repairs to the Route 22/30 bridge over McKee Road, repairs to the Old Steubenville Pike bridge over Route 22/30, traffic signal repairs, ADA curb cut ramp installation and other miscellaneous construction work. Improvements on Route 60 will occur between the intersection of Robinson Center Drive in Robinson Township and approximately 1,100 feet east of Haddock Road in Kennedy Township. Work will conclude in the summer of 2015.
I-79 Pavement Preservation
This estimated $2-2.5 million project to mill and resurface I-79 (Raymond P. Shafer Highway) between I-376 (Parkway West) and approximately one mile south of the Heidelberg/Kirwan Heights interchange, will begin in July. Work will also occur on the ramps at the Heidelberg/Kirwan Heights, Carnegie and Parkway West interchanges. Overnight and weekend lane closures will occur on I-79. Additionally, ramps closures with detours will occur. Overall work is anticipated to end in the fall of 2014.
Route 286 Golden Mile Highway
Utility relocation work has begun on this $10.7 million project to mill and pave, add a center turning lane and widen Route 286 (Golden Mile Highway) from Route 22 to approximately Old Frankstown Road in Monroeville. Additional work includes drainage, shoulder improvements, signal updates, culvert widening, guiderail upgrades and signing and pavement markings. A single lane in each direction will be maintained throughout the majority of the project due to be completed in late 2015.
I-376 Parkway West
Estimated at $48-51 million, this I-376 (Parkway West) project consists of milling and resurfacing, extending acceleration and deceleration ramps, shoulder reconstruction and deck replacement of three bridges at the Carnegie Interchange. Work will occur from I-79 to the Fort Pitt Tunnel and begins in mid-summer. Other improvements include bridge preservation work, concrete median barrier replacement, guiderail installation, two overhead sign structure replacements, drainage, repairs to retaining walls and existing sign structures, new pavement markings and sign updates. Four weekend closures in each direction will occur for paving. Additionally, overnight and weekend lane closures will occur. The anticipated end date is December of 2015.
Westbound I-376 Parkway West
An additional lane will be added to westbound I-376 (Parkway West) by reconstructing the shoulder between the Rossyln Farms and I-79 interchanges. Additional work includes the installation of sound walls and signage updates. This estimated $3-4 million project begins this summer and will be completed in the spring of 2015.
Fort Pitt Tunnel Repairs
Work to replace tunnel ceiling hangers, lighting repairs and ceiling hatch and water line installation in the Fort Pitt Tunnel will begin this summer. The estimated $3-4 million project will continue through the fall of 2015.
Route 885 Lebanon Road Bridge
Work is underway on this $5.94 million bridge replacement project on Lebanon Road (Route 885) over the Union Railroad in West Mifflin Borough. Additional improvements include approach work, guiderail upgrades, new parapets and minor paving. The project will be completed in 2015.
Glenwood Interchange Phase 2
This estimated $7.5 million project includes the replacement of four culverts on Route 885 in the City of Pittsburgh, just south of the Glenwood Bridge. Three culverts will be replaced in their current location. The fourth will be replaced with two culverts and an open channel. Additional work includes concrete repairs on two existing retaining walls, signal upgrades at two intersections inside of the project limits, sanitary sewer relocation, and milling and resurfacing of the entire project at completion. Detours will occur during culvert replacement work. The project will be completed in the fall of 2015.
Alpha Drive (Route 1018)
This estimated $1.5-2 million project to replace the bridge carrying Alpha Drive (Route 1018) over Route 28 in O’Hara Township will begin this summer and end in 2015. Traffic will be maintained during construction. The project was made possible through Act 89 funding.
Birmingham Bridge Preservation Project
This major bridge rehabilitation project, estimated at $40-42 million, is anticipated to begin in July of 2014. The Birmingham Bridge Preservation Project will include the painting of the entire superstructure, steel repairs, bearing replacements, substructure repairs, light pole replacements and a concrete overlay. Traffic will be crossed over and maintained on the bridge that carries Route 2085 over the Monongahela River in the City of Pittsburgh. Various overnight and weekend ramp and lane closures and possible detours will occur on several roadways in the area of the bridge. Construction will conclude in late 2016.
Washington Pike Bridge over Coal Run (Route 3003)
Work to replace and improve the bridge that carries Route 3003 Washington Pike over Coal Run near Bursca Drive in South Fayette Township will begin in late summer. The estimated $1.2-1.8 million project will continue through fall 2015. Traffic will be maintained during construction. Large trucks will be detoured. A temporary structure will be constructed to accommodate pedestrians.
Glass Run Bridge (Route 3098)
Work will begin in late summer on an estimated $1.5-2 million bridge replacement project on Glass Run Road (Route 3098) in Baldwin Borough. The project, which will require a detour, will conclude in spring of 2015. Additional work includes roadway realignment, wall repairs and the relocation of a sanitary sewer line.
Babcock Boulevard Bridge (Route 4009)
This $1.88 million project to rehabilitate the bridge that carries Babcock Boulevard (Route 4009) over Girty Run in Shaler Township began in March. The project includes substructure replacement, approach work, drainage, guiderail upgrades and pavement markings. Overall work will conclude in November.
Route 8/Hardies Road
Work started in March on this $2.7 million project to improve safety and mobility at the intersection of Route 8 and Hardies Road in Hampton Township. Work includes left turn lanes in all directions, widening, roadway reconstruction, drainage improvements, signing and pavement markings and signal upgrades. Two lanes in each direction will be maintained on Route 8 throughout the majority of the project. Single lane restrictions will occur during two weekends on Route 8. Traffic will be detoured during a 40 day closure on West Hardies Road. The overall project will end in late October.
Group Resurfacing Contracts
The routes listed below will be milled and resurfaced with drainage improvements and minor rehabilitation in 2014 under contract group projects (work areas may be subject to change).
- Greentree Road (Route 121) from Cochran Road in Scott Township to Mansfield Avenue in Greentree Borough;
- Allegheny River Boulevard (Route 130) from Washington Boulevard in the City of Pittsburgh to Sandy Creek Road in Penn Hills Borough;
- Penn Avenue/Butler Street (Route 2122) from 31st Street to 51st Street in the City of Pittsburgh;
- Greentree Road (Route 3101) from Mansfield Avenue to McKinney Lane in Greentree Borough;
- Freeport Road (Route 1001) from Bonnieview Drive to Butler County in Harrison Township;
- Tenth Avenue (Route 1001) from Lock Street in Tarentum Borough to Sycamore Lane in Brackenridge Borough;
- Freeport Road (Route 1001) from Blawnox Borough to Powers Run Road in O’Hara Township;
Burchfield Road (Route 1006) from Route 8 to the Stone Arch Bridge in Shaler Township;
Route 30 from Beaver County to Burgettstown Road in Findlay Township;
Chartiers Avenue/Island Avenue (Route 51) from West Carson Street in the City of Pittsburgh to the Fleming Street Bridge in Stowe Township;
Pennsylvania Avenue (Route 2037) from State Street in White Oak Borough to Fifth Avenue in the City of McKeesport;
Westinghouse Avenue/McKeesport Boulevard (Route 2037) from Fifth Avenue to Port Perry Road in North Versailles Township;
Weyman Road (Route 3035) from Baptist Road to Provost Road in Whitehall Borough;
Gibsonia Road (Route 910) from Hardt Road in Richland Township to a branch of North Fork Creek in Pine Township;
Gibsonia Road (Route 910) from Route 8 in Richland Township to Christonia Road in West Deer Township;
Hardt Road (Route 4065) from Wildwood Road in Hampton Township to Gibsonia Road in Richland Township; and
Ingomar Road (Route 4070) from Kummer Road to Babcock Boulevard in McCandless Township.
- www.state.pa.us/district11Â for more information on PennDOT activities in Allegheny County.
Work Zone Safety Tips
In high traffic locations, motorists are encouraged to use both lanes of travel to the merge point. Once at the merge point, motorists are encouraged to take turns merging into the open lane and continue through the work zone. When motorists cooperate and use the late merge system, it will create a zipper like effect with traffic which will reduce the length of the queue, allow traffic to move more fluidly and also prevent a lot of aggressive merging.
If you encounter our work zones, please keep the following tips in mind for your safety and the safety of highway workers:
- Drive the posted work-zone speed limit;
- Stay alert and pay close attention to signs and flaggers;
- Turn on your headlights;
- Maintain a safe distance around vehicles, don´t tailgate;
- Use four-way flashers when stopped or traveling slowly;
- Avoid distractions and give your full attention to the road;
- Always buckle up;
- Expect the unexpected,
- Be patient.
Work Zone Laws - Pennsylvania´s work zone safety laws are designed to protect both highway workers and motorists:
Posted work zones - Headlights On - All motorists are required to travel with their headlights turned on in all posted work zones, not just active work zones. It is necessary for drivers in vehicles with daytime running lights to turn on their headlights in order to activate their taillights.
Active Work Zones - Posting of Active Work Zones - Active work zones are designated by a white flashing light attached to an “Active Work Zone” sign to notify motorists when they enter and leave the work zone. The flashing light will only be activated when workers are present and turned off when workers are not present.
Fifteen-Day Loss of License for Driving Dangerously - Motorists caught driving 11 miles per hour or more above the posted speed limit in an active work zone, or who are involved in a crash in an active work zone and are convicted for failing to drive at a safe speed, will automatically lose their license for 15 days.
Fines Doubled/Jail Time Increased - Fines for certain traffic violations - including speeding, driving under the influence, and failure to obey traffic devices - are doubled for active work zones. Also, the law provides for up to five years of additional jail time for individuals convicted of homicide by vehicle for a crash that occurred in an active work zone.
To receive press releases and traffic advisories from PennDOT District 11, send your email address to stcowan@pa.gov. Information on key projects is also available on District 11’s construction hotline number, 412-429-6035.
Motorists can check conditions on major roadways by visiting www.511PA.com. 511PA, which is free and available 24 hours a day, provides traffic delay warnings, weather forecasts, traffic speed information and access to more than 680 traffic cameras. 511PA is also available by calling 5-1-1, and regional Twitter alerts are available on the 511PA website.
Media Contact: Steve Cowan, Press Officer, (412) 429-5010 (Office), (412) 334-5436 (Cell Phone)