- February 15th, 2013

Governor Tom Corbett announced today that seven Pennsylvania schools will improve walking and biking safety through PennDOT’s distribution of more than $58,000 in federal Safe Routes to School Program funds.
"A multi-modal transportation system brings many health and environmental benefits to our communities," Corbett said. "We must teach children how to take advantage of these transportation options safely. These investments will lay the foundation for safe walking and biking habits through their entire lives."
The investments will help the schools develop educational programs, purchase equipment and establish other safety measures to ensure students who walk or bike to school can do so safely.
The PennDOT-administered program provides guidance and funding to help schools develop safe walking and biking solutions in their communities. Established through federal legislation in 2005, the program was created, in part, to help reverse a nationwide increase in childhood obesity. The program also benefits communities by helping to reduce fuel consumption, alleviate traffic congestion and improve air quality.
Since 2008, nearly $20 million in federal funds have been awarded to 144 Pennsylvania schools to improve bicycle and pedestrian facilities and enhance safety through education and encouragement strategies.
For more information on the program, visit PennDOT's Safe Routes to School Resource Center at www.SafeRoutesPA.org.
Media contact:
Kelli Roberts, Governor’s Office, 717-783-1116
Steve Chizmar, PennDOT, 717-783-8800
Editor's Note: Following is the list of federal Safe Routes to School grant recipients, the amount of funding, and a brief description of the projects:
Allegheny County: Community Day School, IU2 Mount Oliver -- $5,150 to hold a bicycle rodeo to learn bicycle safety; encourage students to walk or bike through themed days; implement a walk and bike club; and provide pedometers and reflective gear for club members.
Bucks County: Grandview Elementary and Morrisville Intermediate Schools, Morrisville School District -- $9,150 to develop lessons to teach students walking safety, implement a “walking school bus” program, and provide training and equipment to crossing guards.
Cumberland County: Mooreland Elementary School, Carlisle Area School District -- $4,238 to hold a family bicycle rodeo and to purchase promotional items as well as bicycle helmets and crossing guard equipment.
Philadelphia County, Philadelphia School District:
Benjamin Franklin Elementary School, Philadelphia School District -- $10,000 to promote safety in the school’s walking and biking routes with educational programs and purchasing educational and safety equipment.
Gen. George G. Meade School -- $10,000 to implement a bicycle repair, safety and riding program to encourage students to ride bicycles. Plans include holding a bicycle rodeo; sponsoring an after-school program that focuses on teaching bicycle safety, repair and maintenance, and rules of the road; and purchasing safety and educational materials.
William Meredith Elementary School -- $10,000 to create a Walking and Biking Ambassador program in which student ambassadors would undergo safety training and leadership development to train their peers on safe walking and biking. Plans include purchasing educational and safety materials for students and tip sheets for parents.
Southwark, Stephen Girard, E.M. Stanton and Frances E. Willard Elementary Schools -- $10,000 to implement a walking school bus program at each school and to purchase the participation materials and safety equipment necessary for the programs.
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Photo credit: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette