- January 20th, 2024

Making smart travel choices starts with knowing what's available to you, and understanding how your transportation choices can have an impact on congestion, safety, and air quality in our region – which recently ranked as the 8th-most polluted place in the nation by the American Lung Association's annual "State of the Air" report released in April 2020.
By considering the impact that our individual travel choices can have before every trip, we can choose to utilize transportation modes other than the single-occupant vehicle (SOV) and start making a notable contribution to reducing harmful emissions and improving air quality in our region.
Not to mention that choosing any of the viable alternatives to an SOV can often shave valuable time off your commute during peak hours while keeping extra money in your pocket, too!
Check out our interactive Making Smart Transportation Choices presentation to learn more about the options that commuters have in the region for biking and bike sharing, public transit, walking, carpools and car sharing, and vanpools – all exceptional options to consider when planning your return to work or school this year. The resource guide is aimed at helping you easily identify and understand the travel options available to you when planning your next trip – whether for work, school, or play – encouraging you to make good transportation choices by using modes other than the automobile that help reduce congestion, improve air quality, and improve the quality of the street environment for all travelers.